Sunday, May 3

God takes care of you, as long as you allow Him to.

So these last few months have been really hard for me spiritually. I've been trying to handle things myself, and not giving them over to God and trusting Him to take care of me. The bible says in 1 Peter 5:7, to cast your cares upon the Lord, for He cares for you. I've noticed that I have been having a lot of stress and a more difficult time doing things successfully because I have been trying to do it alone.

This week I had an experience where I was going to get a 67/100 on a paper because it was late. The grade that I earned was 92/100, but because it was late I got docked 25 points. My previous grades in that class range from 100-94, so obviously a 67 just did not fit. I knew that I would have to talk to my teacher, which I am usually very afraid to do but it had to be done. I prayed to God that I would have favor, and I was willing to anything - including extra credit - in order to raise my grade even a few points. I went to speak with my professor, told her the honest truth (that I was overwhelmed with school and procrastinated) and she allowed me to keep the 92 as long as I made a few changes to my paper!!

I just had to walk out of the office and praise God and thank Him for taking care of me in that situation. I could have let it bring me down, ruin my day, give me low self-confidence for the rest of finals week. Instead I trusted God to take care of me, and He did. Just like His word says!

Next time I find myself in a situation where I am overwhelmed or feeling stressed I will remember 1 Peter 5:7, and also another favorite scripture of mine "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." - Philippians 4:6

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