Monday, October 5

Standing on the edge ..

i've decided to stop editing these things. this is what i'm thinking right now. didn't censor or edit it .. :-/

There's a study in psychology where they put babies on a table and let them crawl to the edge. They do this to see if the babies have developed enough to know that if they crawl over the edge they will fall. Most of the time when they do this study there is actually a clear glass extension from the side of the table sturdy enough to hold the baby if they actually do go out to the edge and crawl. So if the baby decides to take that extra step, the glass table is there to keep them from falling, and lift them up even though they are unaware of it's presence.

It's like us .. we crawl to the edge .. but we don't see that there is anything there to protect us from falling. We don't take the step out on faith because we don't see the safety net that's there to hold us up. But God is there .. waiting for our next move .. just like that sturdy glass at the edge.

I've reached the edge .. I'm ready to go .. but the fact that I can't see the glass .. I'm looking PAST the glass, waiting for something tangible that I can see and feel to guide me across the terrain. I'm at the edge .. I'm sticking my feet out reaching over the side .. but not yet ready to put my foot down and see if I can stand up. For now I'm just crawling in circles around this wooden table ..

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