Monday, November 16

we are special.

It's amazing what this children's story has to say about God's love for us, and how important our self-image is.

Monday, October 5

Standing on the edge ..

i've decided to stop editing these things. this is what i'm thinking right now. didn't censor or edit it .. :-/

There's a study in psychology where they put babies on a table and let them crawl to the edge. They do this to see if the babies have developed enough to know that if they crawl over the edge they will fall. Most of the time when they do this study there is actually a clear glass extension from the side of the table sturdy enough to hold the baby if they actually do go out to the edge and crawl. So if the baby decides to take that extra step, the glass table is there to keep them from falling, and lift them up even though they are unaware of it's presence.

It's like us .. we crawl to the edge .. but we don't see that there is anything there to protect us from falling. We don't take the step out on faith because we don't see the safety net that's there to hold us up. But God is there .. waiting for our next move .. just like that sturdy glass at the edge.

I've reached the edge .. I'm ready to go .. but the fact that I can't see the glass .. I'm looking PAST the glass, waiting for something tangible that I can see and feel to guide me across the terrain. I'm at the edge .. I'm sticking my feet out reaching over the side .. but not yet ready to put my foot down and see if I can stand up. For now I'm just crawling in circles around this wooden table ..

Thursday, July 2

New favorite song ..

I've probably listened to this song 20 times in the last 24 hours. It a reminder of how desperately we should be doing ALL things for His glory. We should seek first His righteousness, and all other things will be added unto us. (Matthew 6:33) Everything we think we should be, everything we think we should have, all that stuff doesn't matter. The bible says that WE don't even know what we really need, that's why we have to trust that God has us covered. Everything you need to become the person whom God has called/created you to be is ALREADY in you. Stop looking everywhere else, look to Him.

Sorry .. random tangent. Just listen to the song.
Couldn't link the full song, so watch some anointed
dancers minister as you listen. :)
"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." -1 Corinthians 10:31

Friday, June 26

what if we all allowed our creative gifts to flow in this manner?

This video was captured during Praise and Worship and the beginning of a church service. This artist is an example of presenting yourself as a vessel through which the glory of God is manifested!

Make sure to watch the video until the VERY END! it's a blessing.


so i updated my profile today! HAHA
this is how i was feeling .. what i wrote in the "ABOUT ME" section.

feeling inspired to write. well, type. what do i say about myself? no matter how many words i place in this box, there is no way to capture the pure essence of my being within a few simple words. that would be restricting myself to fulfill only the description inside the box, to only the sentences and paragraphs i form in this minute, in this moment. i do not believe in placing limits on myself, or others for that matter. there is always an opportunity for growth, and there is always an opportunity for change. this about me may be different every time you refresh the page. it may not change for days, or months or years. this is the ME i present to you today. this is the me that i am at this very second. the ME, that loves to ponder life's mysteries and get all philosophical and "DEEP". this is the me that believes that possibilities are infinite, and that God's glory has no bounds. this is the me that KNOWS who she is .. and knows who God has called her to be. i can not write an ABOUT ME today, because it will not be an ABOUT ME for tomorrow, or the next day after that.

- felicialynette.
[FRI.//June 26, 2009//11:10PM EST]

Monday, June 8

june 8. 2009

Random thought of the day: Attempting to live life simply is difficult in an era of complexity. Life isn't about being deep and complicated. Simplicity helps one focus, it helps you live life on purpose. Living on purpose = life with purpose. It's simple ..

yet so difficult .

God is love.

Sunday, May 3

God takes care of you, as long as you allow Him to.

So these last few months have been really hard for me spiritually. I've been trying to handle things myself, and not giving them over to God and trusting Him to take care of me. The bible says in 1 Peter 5:7, to cast your cares upon the Lord, for He cares for you. I've noticed that I have been having a lot of stress and a more difficult time doing things successfully because I have been trying to do it alone.

This week I had an experience where I was going to get a 67/100 on a paper because it was late. The grade that I earned was 92/100, but because it was late I got docked 25 points. My previous grades in that class range from 100-94, so obviously a 67 just did not fit. I knew that I would have to talk to my teacher, which I am usually very afraid to do but it had to be done. I prayed to God that I would have favor, and I was willing to anything - including extra credit - in order to raise my grade even a few points. I went to speak with my professor, told her the honest truth (that I was overwhelmed with school and procrastinated) and she allowed me to keep the 92 as long as I made a few changes to my paper!!

I just had to walk out of the office and praise God and thank Him for taking care of me in that situation. I could have let it bring me down, ruin my day, give me low self-confidence for the rest of finals week. Instead I trusted God to take care of me, and He did. Just like His word says!

Next time I find myself in a situation where I am overwhelmed or feeling stressed I will remember 1 Peter 5:7, and also another favorite scripture of mine "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." - Philippians 4:6

Saturday, February 7

12 minutes left at work..

Unforgiveness is something that will hold you captive forever, until you make the decision to let it go. As stated in the model prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), we are supposed to ask God to forgive our trespasses as WE FORGIVE our trespassers.

Sometimes it takes a while to forgive someone, you may have to wake up every morning and ask for the strength and the help to move you towards that forgiveness. As long as you are filled with unforgiveness, there is no room for the Lord to come in and take up that space within you. Unforgiveness can quite possibly be the root of ALL problems we face within our lives.

Things that you may not even know you're still holding on to can affect your daily life. You're going about your day worried about what this person did, what that person said, how this person treated you.. BUT THEY ARE SLEEPING AT NIGHT!! You may even think that some people are not worthy of being forgiven, but what if God thought that something you did was SO terrible He did not forgive you?

It's difficult to forgive someone, even for the most minor issues. In order to move past those negative things, you must forgive and let it go. Holding grudges is not healthy, nor worth the time and energy spent on them.

I've struggled with unforgiveness in my heart, and wondered why these people keep popping up in my thoughts and subconsciously influencing my actions. But once I looked into my heart to forgive them, those thought have virtually become nonexistent.

FORGIVE, FORGIVE, FORGIVE. You'll be glad you did.

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." — Matthew 18:21-22
This topic will definitely be revisited.
goodnite. felicialynette.

Wednesday, January 14


I would like to extend an invitation to ANYONE who is interested to celebrating the glory of God through the art form of dance. The Bible says that true worship is presenting your body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. (Romans 12:1) As Christians we should magnify the presence of the Lord with our gifts and talents! I'm praying that with this group we are able to perform and minister at different events on and off campus.

Thursday, Jan. 22 will be our first meeting/informational during CONVO beginning at 12:30PM, in the Burns Dance Studio 238.
Every Saturday, 10AM-12PM there will be rehearsals. Additional practices may be required.
Friday, Feb. 13 An Evening of Black Dance the first event we will be performing at during Black History Month!!

If there are ANY time conflicts let me know please, I would like for everyone who wants to be apart of this to participate.

REMEMBER: There is absolutely NO experience required to dance for the glory of God!

I hope to see everyone tomorrow!

Monday, January 12

you don't want to miss this!

I will be dancing here Wednesday night, and have a small role in a skit on Friday. Wednesday is the kick off night, my Bishop has a wonderful message geared toward the subject of LEADERSHIP! Friday night, YOUTH NIGHT, is always very fun & enjoyable. The message is geared towards US, and it deals with the issues we face as young adult Christians. YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!!


Thursday, January 8


 i'm trying NOT be up all night on this blog. i'm praying i can get permission to use some of the AWESOME technological advancements the youth & young adult ministries are using at my church. it's amazing stuff, i would love to share with you all.

- peace&blessings.

Tuesday, January 6

i come in peace.

first blog ever.

the purpose of this place is unknown to me.
all the cool kids have blogs, so i decided to cop one too.
we shall see what happens.

-the sophisticated toys'r'us kidd.