Monday, March 7

i am who i be, and i will be what i say.

I along with a group of my buddies are doing an experiment. We wrote down brief statements of who we want to be and what we want to accomplish ... but in PRESENT tense, not future tense. Instead of saying, "I will own a home," we say "I am a homeowner. Stating "I am debt-free", rather than "I am going to be debt-free", gives it a certain power & responsibility. It becomes something you believe about yourself in the present, meaning you will begin acting as such NOW.

We decided that we would speak the statements aloud every day for 30 days, and at the end of the month come back together and see how each of us has benefitted.

I personally decided to title mine "Daily Affirmations"...
So it's been about 7 days and already two of these statements have positively affected my behavior and attitude. So I guess that's what I'll be blogging about for the next few entries ... stay tuned!


  1. I think that is so positive.its always good 2 claim what u want in the present. Like if u have an F in a class and you claim a good gpa and do like extra credit or something to get a good grade and before you know it ur grade will be up.

  2. Good stuff. Our words are powerful. Have you ever made a vision board?

  3. i actually have a vision BOOK! hahaha
