Thursday, March 10

i am organized and clutter-free.

Daily Affirmation #2.

I have always been slightly OCD when it comes to keeping myself organized. As far as schoolwork, scheduling, and calendars go - I have an effective system which is tedious & overwhelming for some, but it works for me. When it comes to keeping clothes off the floor & shoes put away, it's a different struggle.

"I am organized and clutter-free." Since I've started saying this daily, I've noticed a change in my habits. Last night, instead of passing out on a bed full of clothes, books & paper, I took a few mins to put them away. It took only a few mins - but made A LIFETIME of difference in the quality of my sleep. I've also started the PROCESS of eliminating clutter from my bedroom. Most of my clutter has to do with unfinished projects - things that are supposed to be decorated, scrapbooked, bedazzled, etc. There are mementos and souvenirs from events I've gone to & trips I've taken... As I was going through BOXES & BOXES of EIGHT YEARS WORTH of this nonsense I had the most amazing revelation.


Meaning ... everything that was important, all my significant memories are readily available in my psyche. Why must I hold on to deflated balloons & theme park maps to trigger a memory of something in the past? Many details of which I had forgotten, some good, others bad - but my point is that these moments weren't significant enough to shape me into who I am at this moment. If they were, they'd be held in my heart/mind/spirit not in a plastic fork.

I begin to rip up papers, toss things away & sort. Filling up trash bags with insecurities, low self-esteem, pride, lust, envy, jealousy, ex-boyfriends, old friends, classes passed, classes failed, competitions won, games lost, ALL THAT. I not only de-cluttered a section of my room. I cleared out space in my heart, mind, soul, and BRAIN for new ideas, new love, new journeys, new discoveries to come in and occupy the free space which was so recently filled to the brim with baggage.


Monday, March 7

i am who i be, and i will be what i say.

I along with a group of my buddies are doing an experiment. We wrote down brief statements of who we want to be and what we want to accomplish ... but in PRESENT tense, not future tense. Instead of saying, "I will own a home," we say "I am a homeowner. Stating "I am debt-free", rather than "I am going to be debt-free", gives it a certain power & responsibility. It becomes something you believe about yourself in the present, meaning you will begin acting as such NOW.

We decided that we would speak the statements aloud every day for 30 days, and at the end of the month come back together and see how each of us has benefitted.

I personally decided to title mine "Daily Affirmations"...
So it's been about 7 days and already two of these statements have positively affected my behavior and attitude. So I guess that's what I'll be blogging about for the next few entries ... stay tuned!