Tuesday, September 20

i want power.

"At the core of every human endeavor is the pursuit of one thing. It is that which was lost long ago and has been vigorously grasped at by every means imaginable ever since. Most don't realize it is what they have dedicated their life's energy to because we cloak it in many different names and superficial identifications.

What is this great motivator of mankind - Power, that's right powerAdmit ityou want power. You want the power to control your circumsatnces and environment; you want the power to control your health, your present life situation and your destiny. You work to get money not because you want money, but because of what you think money can give you and that's power - power to do what you want and how you want to do it, go where you want, eat what you want, drive what you want, etc, without anyone being able to tell you that you can't.

This desire is in the heart of every human and it is actually a Godly desire put inside of you from your conception. You were created and pre-programmed to exercise power; power over the physical environmentpower over yourself, power over your gifts and talents. The problem came when we were separated from the Source and Regulator of our power and dominion mandate. This caused us to try and misappropriate power and mis-use it by trying to manipulate people so we could feel powerful, but because this was an abuse of power it still leaves us feeling frustrated. The only way to satisfy this need for power is to re-connect to the PowerGiver and to follow His prescribed path to attain and administrate the power delegated to us. Power is found in the Kingdom of God. (Constituion references: Genesis 1:26,28; Luke 16:16 (Amplified translation); John 14:6,12-14)"
Taken from a post in the facebook group "Kingdom Ambassadors", written by Mark Hollomon.

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