Monday, January 23

Diligence in the Pursuit

As a student, I have always excelled academically - I’m a speed-reader, have quick comprehension, great memory, I like research, have a knack for finding solutions to problems, and I’m a good test taker. Most things in school came very easily to me once I spent a short amount of time with them. Recently, I have found myself in situations where I have had to invest more time studying and preparing for things – something that I am not used to because I am so “smart”. I found myself getting frustrated because I was not feeling as confident as I usually did when facing these types of challenges. I thought to myself, God is showing me something.

The things that God is having me to pursue are not “easy”. If they were easy I would not have to call on Him for strength, courage and assistance. He would not be glorified in the process, I could boast of my own works and have no need for God in this area of my life. He told me the other day – “be DILIGENT in your pursuit of excellence”. Although God has set me apart as pure, guiltless, and excellent, I must still DO WORK to achieve success. These tasks will not complete themselves, and I have already experienced the disappointment associated with putting out something that I know is not my best (or God’s best) work.

Think about when God created the earth. He took six days – a whole day for light, another to separate the sky from the waters of the earth. He took one entire day to create the sun, moon and stars. He did not just throw the earth together and give it to us. He was meticulous and careful in his design. He was diligent in His creation of the earth. Think about how he FORMED man from the dust of the ground. I don’t know about you, but when I hear the word “formed” I don’t think of God just arbitrarily squishing some clay together and calling it man. He took the time to create us with his fingers, we are His crowning ultimate creation. Take a look at the intricacies of the human body – muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, vessels, nerves, cells, all the organs and systems that work together in harmony so that we have a means through which to do God’s work on the earth.

This alone is a testament to how we should work. CAREFULLY. DILIGENTLY. If we want to create things in the utmost excellence (and represent CHRIST and the Kingdom of God as we should) we have to slow down and give ourselves enough time to manifest what it is God has given us. We have to stop being so distracted and wasting our time doing things that are not edifying or productive. You have to set aside time, dare I say … SACRIFICE time in order to complete things that are going to be of a high caliber. As Kingdom Citizens we should be presenting essays, dances, lesson plans, paintings, business plans, graphic designs, novels, songs, etc. that are of exceptional quality, distinct from those outside the Kingdom.

The word diligence is defined as: interested and persevering application; or devoted and painstaking effort to accomplish what is undertaken. Diligence also means that you are persistent and earnest in reaching a goal, OR fulfilling a purpose. Diligence is not associated with procrastination, making excuses, or fear of failure – meaning, you’ve got to let go of those things.

When you give your tasks to God they are less daunting … if daunting at all. When faced with a big project I give it to God. I ask that His will be done, that I lean not to my own understanding but that HIS knowledge and wisdom are poured into the completion of the assignment. BUT what God has been letting me know through all of this is that although HE will take care of it, He does the work THROUGH me. For example, if I do not take the time to sit at the computer and type up the work I need to complete there is no way that God can help me get it done. If I do not FIRST pull out the book to study, there is no way I can ask the Holy Spirit to recall the content to my mind on the day of the test.

Here’s my challenge to you: Start your day asking God how you should spend your time. What areas or tasks should you focus on completing that day? Ask him for a plan, a timetable, deadlines, or anything else that is going to help you stay on track and allot the appropriate amount of time to completing your next project in excellence.


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